Before Tyler and Flynn I had it down pat. I had a list and things were ticked off and completed in a day. Now.... well lets just say, I'm happy if I actually tick anything off (usually I'm just ticking off my husband - ha ha ha - sorry, bad joke!).
And I guess when you're trying to keep the house in a semi state of neatness (if you want to visit me, come anytime but if you want to visit the house, please give me a month's notice) and look after a new baby while trying to do all the 'other stuff', it can be crazy. If you don't have time to create home made baby food with lots of ingredients there is still lots of things you can do that are easy, nutritious and really quick.
Last last baby food recipe was just adding fruit to natural yoghurt - easy and super yum.
Today I've got another super easy one to share!
Ricotta and Vegies
suitable for babies 8 months and above
1 pre-prepared cube of vegies (Flynn loves sweet potato)
1 tablespoon of smooth ricotta.
Defrost the vegie cube (the sweet vegetables I think work the best eg carrot / pumpkin) and add to ricotta. Serve warm.
How easy is that!!!! Let me know what your babies thinks.
Pop your Qubies baby food containers back into the cupboard as this isn't suitable to freeze.
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