Get ready I'm on my soap box this morning!
A few days ago while out with a few friends, I was introduced to a new mum with a 7 month old girl. Needless to say the baby was just gorgeous, all chubby and cuddly. The stay at home mum was proudly explaining that her little girl was a big eater and it was costing her a fortune (jokingly of course). "She eats 2 of those (brought) baby food containers at each meal!" I couldn't believe I just heard that. I subtly asked why she was eating brought processed food rather than good old home made baby food and the response was "I'm just too busy!". Honestly, what a ridiculous excuse! Diplomacy took over and I didn't say a word....
When you consider the time and money aspect, I think it's quicker to whip up a big batch of baby food and freeze the left overs. Then you have food ready to go in a second. In this 'economic climate' it's also soooooo much cheaper. Come on, grab a whole pumpkin, steam it, puree it and Viola, healthy, preservative/additive free food for Flynn for a month!
Okay, got that off my chest! Let me know what you think? Am I just ranting and raving???
Well this brings me to one of the easiest meals you can introduce to baby after plain old fruit and vegetables.
Natural yoghurt and fruit (suitable from 8 months)
3 tablespoons natural yoghurt
1 or 2 baby cubes of fruit puree
Simply mix the fruit puree with the yoghurt and serve - easy!
As I made "Jenny's Fruit Medley" a few days ago, this is perfect for Flynn to add a little variety.
The guidelines I have do say to introduce cow's milk from 8 months however I have found Flynn is fine with dairy.
This is not suitable to freeze, so pop your Qubies away!
I made this for my 2 and a half year old daughter. Sometimes she's so exhausted after day care that it's hard to get good food into her. She loves yoghurt, so with this yummy recipe I could get some good nutrition into her exhausted little body. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI find adding yoghurt to any of my frozen Qubied vegies after reheating in a small saucepan helps to cool the meal down. I know that with the yoghurt and the vegies baby is getting a healthy meal and she loves it. In regards to the lady too busy to make her own baby food, I think she just doesn'realise how easy it is to prep bulk food. Saves time and money in the long run. I understand how she thinks as I'm on to my third baby, and fed the first two bought baby food alot as it was so fiddly, time consuming and messy pureeing food and putting into iceblock containers. Baby number three, 9 months, hasn't had any bought food as I'm much more organised and totally in love with my Qubies - there is always Qubied food in the freezer, and i take out what i need in the morning for the day.
ReplyDeleteBack to the post...my daughter loves mashed banana and yoghurt...delicous!
This was SO quick and easy! I had to bubsit my nephew last weekend overnight and wasnt sure what to give him at brekkie time and tried this WELL it went down a treat and he even asked for more!!!! This one is certainly a winner with me!
ReplyDeletei totally agree in regards to baby food in jars. The amount of preservatives in there must be huge if you can keep a jar of chicken, mince or whatever in the cupboard for a year! My 2.5 year old didn't eat out of a jar and neither will my 6 month old. Puree is just so easy. Once a month I go on "puree patrol" at night while my husband sits nearby and we chat over a glass of wine. Easy.
ReplyDeleteGreat site btw... simple ideas but great to jog my memory with number 2.