Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wonderful Weeties

Do you find that sometimes you keep giving your babies the same baby food puree? I do. It's great to chat to other mums/dads/grandparents to see what they are giving their babies.

I was having a great old chat with my Mother-in-law Cath a few days ago. She was having a wonderful time reminiscing about how much my husband Pj ate as a baby. He was a right old guts. Apparently breakfast time consisted of 3 Weetbix! Now, I think this may be a slight exaggeration or... if you knew my husband, maybe it's not. Anyway, it got me to thinking, why haven't I given Flynn Weetbix????????? Once warm milk is added, the Weeties become all soft and squishy - perfect for a baby!

So guess what Flynn's now having for breakfast...

I'm not sure if Weetbix are a worldwide phenomenon. In Australia, they are little rectangular biscuits made of wheat which you have for breakfast. IF there are any Aussie Ex-pats reading this, could you please let me know if Weetbix are sold overseas!

Wonderful Weetbix

1 Weetbix, crushed by hand
warm Milk, formula or breast milk.

Add enough milk to soak into the Weeties until they are soft and a little runny.

This is not suitable to freeze in your Qubies

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